On 27May1995, I married a wonderful man and allowed him to move my child and I away from sunny Florida to Michigan. The ornaments this year, with the exception of the candy cane-toting bear, were ones she made herself with some guidance from Aaron's mom.

Used: "Christmas Magic" by Daniela Austen and Danielle Engebretson
On 27May1995, I married a wonderful man and allowed him to move my child and I away from sunny Florida to Michigan....
Oh, English expert child o' mine...
"my child and ME" remember to remove the other noun and apply to sentence...as in "moved me away from", and you'll get it right every time!
But, I love you anyway, and I know you'll pounce on MY next faux pas.........
This is where I ever so politely refrain from commenting on any of the grammatical errors in your comment, right? d:
YOU..."polite"???? Please, dear child, remember these comments, offered as though in conversation, are written with poetic license, and therefore exempt from strict grammatical rules; however, your tags on your scrapbook posts should reflect, at least. minimal attention to the rules. I believe I have stated this as "politely" as possible. Besides which, I aptly referred to YOU as the English expert. I lay no claim to that title. :>)
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